Welcome to Kolor Store 🤔
This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
Here's how you can add an image:
Here's how to make a list:
- When you purchase these items, you will have two days to download, and when you purchase an item, I will send you the file through discord
When purchasing, please check your discord to make sure it’s correct. This is how you’ll get a download link you can re-access if something goes wrong.
By purchasing these maps, you agree that you will not distribute them to others, and you will not use them for profit!
Violations of this will be enforced through Roblox’s takedown system for copyright infringement. I am a one man show selling games to afford a Genny!
If you find a stolen map being distributed ANYWHERE, TELL ME! This will result in a one time 75% off discount on your purchase, and another 15% on your next purchase
You can play the map with your friends, but don't give them the file PLEASE!
You must be at least 13 years of age to purchase from my storefront.
These maps do NOT come with my custom vehicles!
Lower the cost, lower the items on the map, like Morton, it was a 2 week project
In order to open and edit some of these maps, you will need a decent computer, don't get mad if your computer can't handle the game!
Required disclosure: This site uses cookies to allow your purchases and cart to function properly. By using this site, you agree to the use of cookies. Some sale prices may be rounded up or down by a few cents (no more than three) for marketing purposes.
- Second thing
- Third thing
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